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Sunday, 30 April 2017

TNTET 2017 - Paper-II : Tentative Key Answers

TNTET 2017 (30.04.2017)

Paper-II : Tentative Key Answers

Question Paper Series Code: C

Child Development and Pedagogy


1. D) Psycho Galvanic Reflex

2. B) Role play Model

3. A) (e),(f),(b),(a),(c),(d)

4. D) Displacement

5. D) Xerophthalmia

6. C) Sensation of Colour brightness

7. D) Vygotsky's

8. (A) or (D)

9. A) MMPI

10. B) Hypoglycemia

11. A) Direct analogy

12. D) Experience

13. B) Cognitive Dissonance

14. C) Corpus Callosum

15. D) Fictional Finalism, Adler

16. B) Francis Galton

17. D) Circadian Approach

18. D) Priming

19. B) Overjustification Effect

20. B) Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate

21. D) Unknown causes

22. C) Deviation Intelligence Quotient

23. C) Deconditioned Response Theory

24. C) Ochlophobia

25. B) Attention Deficit disorder

26. D) Structuralism 

27. A) Semantic memory

28. C) Law of Effect

29. D) Ethnography 

30. D) Cooley's Classification

Prepared By

V. Ashokan, 

Assistant Professor


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