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Thursday 24 October 2013

Wild Life Management – Governmental and NGO Organisation

To conserve wild life, many governmental and non-governmental organizations are actively involved in wild life conservation schemes.
  • The Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS), started in 1883, had been actively involved in wild life conservation.
  • In 1952, Central Government of India Constituted the Indian Board for Wild Life (IBWL) for conserving the wildlife. Following this, many Indian states have setup wild life boards.
  • In 1972, “Wild Life Protection Act” was enacted by the Central Government of India for setting up National Parks and Sanctuaries enabling special legal protection to endangered species of flora and fauna.
  • In 1980, Forest Conservation Bill was passed which forbade deforestation of the forests without the permission of the Central Government.
  • In 1982, Wild Life Institute of India was set up by the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India.
  • Project Tiger: In the year 1973, Indian Government launched a special scheme, “Project Tiger” in collaboration with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to save the tigers from extinction.

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