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Wednesday, 27 August 2014

TRB: RECRUITMENT OF SECONDARY GRADE TEACHERS 2012-13: Provisional Selection List of Candidates (DEE)

Teachers Recruitment Board  College Road, Chennai-600006

Teachers Recruitment Board has issued Notification for the Direct recruitment of Secondary Grade Teacher vide Notification No. 6/2014, dated 21.08.2014. The Board has also decided to accept the option of “willingness to join Government Service” already submitted by the candidates at the time of certificate verification of TNTET-2012 and 2013 as application for the post of Secondary Grade Teacher.
Board had also conducted clarification camp from 11.08.2014 to 14.08.2014 and Certificate Verification for absentees candidates. After verification, the documents produced by the candidates in the clarification camp have been updated in the Certificate Verification data base. Based on that a final database was arrived from TNTET 2012, 2013 Paper – I Certificate Verification details.
Now, the provisional selection list for Department of Elementary Education (DEE) is prepared as per the guidelines laid down in the G.O.Ms.No. 71 School Education (TRB) department, dated 30.05.2014 and duly following the rule of reservation in vogue and the same is hereby released.
This is provisional selection list only and appointment order to the candidates will be issued separately by the user department upon verification of their original certificates, degree, etc.
Also the list is purely provisional and is subject to the outcome of various Writ Petitions / Writ Appeals pending before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras and Madurai including W. A. 707 and 708 and M.P.1 of 2014.
The appointment order for the selected candidates satisfying all conditions will be issued by the concerned department separately after due process.

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